Marine Easy Clean

Natural Probiotic Production For A Chemical Free, Environmental Solution For Keeping Your Water Clean And Healthy

About Marine Easy Clean

An Australian Environmental Company Treating And Remediating Polluted Lakes, Rivers And Ponds Worldwide

Marine Easy Clean is an Australian water environmental company that specialises in effectively treating polluted lakes, reservoirs, rivers, canals, and treatment ponds.

We provide a water treatment approach that combines the application of our water bioremediation technology with a deep understanding of water microbial ecosystems. This enables us to deliver environmentally friendly long-term water solutions whose benefits have been demonstrated both practically and scientifically.

Our bioremediation technology and know-how have been developed and tested over many years working in the Australian and international water sector including:

  • Recreational and industrial water systems – lakes, reservoirs, rivers, canals, sewage, ponds
  • Industrial treatment ponds, farm dams and livestock drinking troughs
  • Aquaculture (shrimp and fish hatcheries, oyster farms)
  • R&D programs (commercial and academic)
Lakes, Rivers & Dams

Our product, The Water Cleanser, enables the return of waterway ecology, resulting in healthier water with increased aquatic life. All our project results have delivered cleaner water systems. Our team can provide a full analysis and proposal for an effective and environmentally friendly solution.

The Inventor

How An Australian Pearl Farmer Understood Nature’s Own Technology For Cleaning Water

In 2000, Robert Morgan, living in one of the most remote parts of Australia, needed to keep his pearl shells free of barnacles without using chemicals. What he discovered was how to promote natural biofilms that did the job for him.

His discovery is so profound that universities and leading scientists globally have been studying and verifying his technology since 2011. After Robert was the runner-up in the Innovator of the Year awards, his work led to three publications and numerous studies.

Twenty-four years later, The Water Cleanser is sold worldwide as a leading-edge, non toxic, beneficial technology for restoring polluted water to health.

Robert Morgan



Environmental Solutions For Keeping Your Water Clean And Healthy

Lakes, Rivers & Dams


Swimming Pools


Aquariums & Ponds

Lakes, Rivers & Dams

Stopping The Cycle Of Cyanobacteria and Harmful Algal Blooms

Blue Green Due To Limitations

Blue green algae (Cyanobacteria) becomes the dominant bacterial species when the nitrogen cycle slows due to limitations. It is dealing with the excess nutrient load but it does this at the expense of the healthy ecology as the enzymes it produces in large numbers are highly toxic. Blue green algae (Cyanobacteria) also looks after itself by securing its future bloom. Once it has dealt with the excess nutrient load it dies off creating a thick rotting oily sludge on the bottom of the waterway which then becomes the next nutrient overload, thus securing its own rebirth.

Lakes, Rivers & Dams

How Does The Water Cleanser Control Cyanobacteria Blooms?

Nitrogen fixation by Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) is highly energy expensive and this energy is dependent on photosynthetic activity and is thus light-requiring, which is a 12-hour limited energy source. As a consequence of this, the fixation process normally stops when biological nitrate becomes readily available, (which is a 24-hour energy source), so diatoms and micro algae easily take over. The lack of biological nitrate being produced from the nitrogen cycle is the root cause of Cyanobacteria blooms, as opposed to the phosphorus content. Phosphorus is simply a contributing factor as itself in high quantities can be a nitrification inhibitor.

The Water Cleanser Stopping The Cyanobacteria Cycle

Bacillus bacteria attack and stop Cyanobacterial blooms 4 ways:

  • By assisting in the production of biological nitrate.
  • By eliminating the Cyanobacteria’s internal food reserve.
  • By stopping dead Cyanobacteria from becoming a sludge, thereby preventing its rebirth.
  • By naturally lowering high water surface tension caused by nutrient rich water; this increases oxygen levels through atmospheric diffusion.
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  1. Bacillus metabolically breaks down large organic matter through to ammonia without the requirements of oxygen.
    Bacillus respire and can convert from oxygen to nitrate or glutamate. In low oxygen systems, this conversion allows the limited oxygen supply to go to the nitrogen cycle bacteria to complete the waste breakdown process, making biological nitrate 24-hour energy for microalgae and diatoms. This 24-hour energy source for microalgae and diatoms can quickly make them the dominant species over Cyanobacteria, whose energy source is limited by photosynthesis (12-hour energy).
  2. In order to survive with this limited energy, Cyanobacteria has developed a backup food reserve internally within its cell structure, in the form of high energy oil droplets; these allow for this 12-hour limited energy, enabling Cyanobacteria to stay dominant.
    Bacillus produces enzymes that remove these oil droplets from the Cyanobacteria’s protective cell wall and convert it to carbon dioxide. This two-stage approach sees Cyanobacteria rapidly dropping out of the waterway with microalgae and diatom’s becoming the dominant species. This resets the natural ecology of the waterway putting the nutrients back through the food chain.
  3. Cyanobacteria also looks after itself by securing its future bloom.
    Once it has dealt with the excess nutrient load it dies off creating a thick rotting oily sludge on the bottom of the waterway which then becomes the next nutrient overload, thus securing its own rebirth. This is known as the cycle of Cyanobacteria. Bacillus stops dead Cyanobacteria from becoming a sludge, thus stopping the cycle of Cyanobacteria and returning the waterway to its original good health.
  4. Bacillus produce:
    • Protease which breaks down proteins into amino acids.
    • Amylase which breaks down starches
    • Lipases which break down fats

This whole process helps lower water surface tension which allows more oxygen through atmospheric diffusion to enter the waterway which helps defuse eutrophic water systems.

String Algae – Filamentous Weed Control

Current Treatments

String algae is a complexly structured plant which is resilient to mechanical, chemical, algaecide because it reproduces by fragments, spores and cell division. Most of the effective treatments to date are inert dyes and biological control, which are both limited. Dies are limited to only reducing sunlight. Current biological controls whilst most effective are limited to not being able to maintain the health of probiotic bacterial groups within a natural ecosystem.

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Why is filamentous weed so good at taking over a water body? Through Phosphate manipulation…

The high success of string algae comes about because of its ability to fluctuate phosphate levels. In high levels of phosphate concentration string algae becomes dominant due to the phosphate itself becoming a nitrification inhibitor, limiting the production of biological nitrate as nitrogen, essential food for microalgae and diatoms. Without the competition of microalgae and diatoms, string algae rapidly become the dominant species within the water system.

In normal phosphate conditions string algae layers an algal mat on the bottom of the lake where through a process known as luxury consumption it absorbs and stores the lakes available phosphate within this algal mat. This leaves the water with no phosphate, stopping all microalgae and diatom growth. Once all competition has been depleted, string algae releases 100% of this stored phosphate allowing for rapid growth into the water system it is infecting.

  • Low to no phosphate levels are growth limiting for microalgae and diatoms
  • High phosphate levels are a nitrification inhibitor; no biological nitrate as energy for microalgae and diatoms

Limiting String Algae Outbreaks

The Water Cleanser maintains the health of bacterial groups within the water system. In high levels of phosphate, The Water Cleanser resets the biological nitrate production allowing microalgae and diatoms to compete, reducing string algae outbreaks. In low phosphate levels, The Water Cleanser is a carbon source needed by beneficial bacteria that produce phosphatase enzymes needed to dissolve organic phosphate to become biologically available phosphorus.

This process also releases the string algae’s phosphate reserve back to the environment, restricting the outbreak and enhancing microalgae and diatom development.

String algae is a complexly structured plant which is resilient to mechanical, chemical, algaecide because it reproduces by fragments, spores and cell division. Most of the effective treatments to date are inert dyes and biological control, which are both limited. Dies are limited to only reducing sunlight. Current biological controls whilst most effective are limited to not being able to maintain the health of probiotic bacterial groups within a natural ecosystem.

Fixing Current String Algae Outbreaks

We have developed a three-stage approach of fixing outbreaks naturally. This process involves block placement to enhance the natural bacterial community.

Adding of organic oil digestive bacteria to remove critical energy reserves and making the common unavailable minerals to their available form for microorganisms. This three stage approach kills the outbreak within four weeks and visually removes it within eight weeks.

String algae is a complexly structured plant which is resilient to mechanical, chemical, algaecide because it reproduces by fragments, spores and cell division. Most of the effective treatments to date are inert dyes and biological control, which are both limited.

Dies are limited to only reducing sunlight. Current biological controls whilst most effective are limited to not being able to maintain the health of probiotic bacterial groups within a natural ecosystem.

Fixing Eutrophication Dead Water Recovery

Soil oxygenation in the environment is a critical part of nature being able to maintain the health of a water body. Basically it stops the natural toxic dead zone from polluting the waterways and keeps the nitrification process active as this predominantly occurs in this oxygenated soil section.

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Deoxygenation of surface soil generally occurs when a waterway is overwhelmed with excess large organic waste particles and the natural bacteria breaking down this waste to ammonia for the nitrification process require more oxygen than is available in the water system, so they take the oxygen from the soils which then starts a chain reaction of unhealthy water as the dead zone soil is now polluting the waterway with Sulphur as well. This chain reaction stops nitrification bacteria from working in the sediments as they require that oxygen to operate, so Cyanobacteria quickly takes over.

How Does The Water Cleanser Block Oxygenate Surface Soil?

Breaking down large waste particles requires a lot of oxygen. Probiotic species Bacillus can do this process without the oxygen drain on the water system because it can use nitrate for its respiration, breaking down large waste solids to ammonia without the oxygen drain. This in turn allows oxygen naturally to come back into the water system and the excess oxygen then is taken up by the soils, which stops the pollution from the dead zone soil and restarting the nitrification cycle bacteria. This then begins the full recovery of the water body.

Solving And Cleaning Up Oil Spills

In the last 10 years oil recovery methods have advanced greatly with the development of many successful oil recovery technologies delivering a 99% removal rate. The true problem is the 1% of oil that can’t be recovered as it sits within the water column. These minute oil particles cause the most long-term environmental damage.

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The Water Cleanser is the final polishing treatment in all oil spill areas. This technology gives the basis to maintain hydrocarbon consuming bacteria that can deal with this one percent of toxic oil, removing it from the water column in a manner that is completely non-toxic to the natural environment.

Polyphosphate Conversion Is Essential For A Clean Environment

The Water Cleanser Block assists in polyphosphate conversion which is essential for a healthy clean environment free from pollutants. This is achieved by the completion of the whole bacterial cycle in water.

The Importance Of Polyphosphate Conversion In The Environment

Disposal of pollutant phosphates: at very high phosphate levels (occurring for example in some domestic or industrial effluents) formation of polyphosphates sequesters phosphorus within the cell in an inert form.

Energy reservoir: polyphosphates not only store phosphorus but also energy in the form of high-energy bonds.

Breakdown of these molecules leads to the formation of ATP, which thus becomes available for use by other cell processes.

Metal chelation: strongly electro-negative polyphosphate deposits act as powerful chelators of metal cations, providing an important sink and reservoir for metals within the cell. This can then be consumed by polyphosphate consuming bacteria which secures the metals within the soil making a natural biological containment.

Buffer against alkali: polyphosphates occur in complex equilibrium with phosphate and hydrogen ions, acting as a buffer for alkalis within the cell.

Buoyancy regulation: along with other dense deposits in the cell, polyphosphates contribute to the ballast, a key component of the buoyancy regulation process. This is what gives clarity to water that is treated with TWC Blocks.

The Water Cleanser In Rivers – Establishing Natural Boundary Zones

The importance of establishing natural boundary zones within man-made river systems and the re-establishment of boundary zones in polluted river systems is to re-establish nutrient cycling through microenvironments to progress the health of the waterway for the benefit of wildlife, people and farmland within the proximity of these river systems.

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Man-made river systems struggle to conduct nutrient cycling due to no boundary zones being in place for natural nutrient cycling through the fast flow of the river system. Boundary zones in artificial rivers take years to naturally establish or may never establish due to the build-up of pollutants, meaning nutrients cannot be processed. This building up of pollutants is the cause of large Cyanobacteria blooms which also stop or restrict the development of these critically needed boundary zones.

What Are Boundary Zones?

The creation of microenvironments.

Flowing water interacts with benthic communities to create microhabitats which are important for the development of the river’s developing ecosystem. The extent of these microenvironments depends on the spatial development of the benthic biomass and the conditions of water flow in each part of the river.

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The accumulation of biomass on the bottom of the stream leads to major changes in the hydraulic characteristics of the benthic environment. Zones of low-velocity or stationary water develop within and around bacterial biofilms, algal biofilms and periphyton communities, forming a variety of supplementary boundary zones in addition to the main benthic boundary layer. These boundary zones range from the thin high-velocity biofilm sublayer that occurs on surfaces directly exposed to the current, to large regions of quiescent, low-velocity biofilm contained within the internal spaces of benthic communities.

The zones of quiescent water form important regions within which unattached organisms such as algae, protozoa and small invertebrates can exist. Quiescent boundary zones prevent downstream displacement of biota by the strong advected forces of flowing water, thus counteracting one of the fundamental problems of life in fast-flowing river ecosystems. Such microenvironments are a general feature of attached benthic communities and are important in maintaining biodiversity and nutrient cycling. The local regeneration of inorganic nutrients by this process is a major factor in maintaining nutrient supply to primary producers and sustaining high rates of primary productivity in benthic systems.

The Water Cleanser

The Water Cleanser is an artificial boundary zone that also establishes small eddy zones on the underneath of the The Water Cleanser block. This allows The Water Cleanser to establish a full microenvironment being the top thin laminar sublayer to the underneath low-velocity biofilms on the block; this completes the processes of nutrient cycling through the flow of the artificial river. In summer this process allows these microenvironments to then naturally spread from the block, establishing themselves into the soil of the artificial river, therefore establishing a natural biological system that can maintain itself.

Case Studies


The Water Cleanser Floating Block

Our continual studies in aquaculture are showing a pattern where the same beneficial bacterial species, which are capable of living in aerobic or anaerobic environments, are capable of delivering two completely different outcomes in these areas for your crop health. The other area of interest is the importance of not clearing the water in aquaculture ponds.

Bacillus species in an aerobic environment, produce enzymes that are highly beneficial to gut health in crustaceans and fish species, with results continually showing increased crop survival and size. This is also being shown to heavily reduce bacterial disease species within the aquatic environment, consequently dramatically improving the health of the aquatic crop.

Less mortality, less sludge, less water changes, less chemical use, bigger crop yields.

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This has become evident with the use of The Water Cleanser sinking blocks in aquatic crops where the ponds or dams are less than 3 foot deep, where it is a continual aerobic environment delivering continual outstanding results. Ponds or dams over 3 foot deep become quite anaerobic with the same The Water Cleanser sinking blocks not delivering any desirable outcomes.

We understand that these ponds need to maintain turbidity as most farmed species do not like clear water. From these results we developed a new formula for Aquaculture. Specific elements are used to deliver the same probiotic bacteria without delivering the clarity to the water. These have been designed to sink for shallow water aquaculture ponds and to float a slightly bent block which enhances aerobic enzyme production in deeper ponds. The curve in this bent block radiates the sun’s heat through the top surface, resulting in beneficial bacterial groups increasing their enzyme production.

The Water Cleanser floating bent block has been placed in aquaculture ponds with an average depth of 8 to 10 feet; this results in maintaining an aerobic environment with increased probiotic enzyme production.

We have now been able to deliver the same outstanding results as we have delivered with shallow water aquatic crops.


The Water Cleanser is a critical part of all hatchery systems especially when breeding shellfish and crustaceans. Shellfish and crustaceans require glutamine in its available form. This can only be delivered to their bodies through the consumption of bacillus bacteria. The Water Cleanser maintains a constant flow of available bacillus bacteria at a natural rate that is found in the wild, therefore increasing the hardness of their shell and improving the digestive system of the larvae.

By maintaining your bacillus populations within your tanks with The Water Cleanser, also provides disease resistance as bacillus produce over 65 natural antibiotics.

Following up with The Water Cleanser in the field for grow-out maintains this natural antibiotic production, therefore eliminating the effects of disease from your water naturally.

This suppresses early mortality syndrome and increases yields from 26% to 100% in end weight on harvest.


Nutrient Cycling

The Water Cleanser deals with your excess food and animal faeces by metabolically breaking down the large organic matter through to ammonia without large oxygen requirements. This then allows the oxygen to go to the nitrogen cycle bacteria to convert this to biological nitrate.

This process naturally helps soil condition as this biological process now allows oxygen to stay within the top surface soil stopping potential toxic sulphur release.

The Water Cleanser enables this process from small farm ponds through to open ocean farming.

Nutrient Cycling

Swimming Pools

Introducing The Water Cleanser: Your Natural Solution For Crystal Clear Pools

Are you tired of harsh chemicals and endless maintenance routines?

Discover the eco-friendly alternative that transforms your swimming pool experience.

Swimming Pools

Why Choose The Water Cleanser?

Naturally Safe: Our revolutionary formula uses natural ingredients to keep your pool water sparkling clean, without the harmful effects of traditional chemicals. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your pool is safe for your family and friends.

Healthier Swimming: Protect your skin and eyes from irritants. The Water Cleanser reduces exposure to toxic substances, providing a gentle and refreshing swim every time.

Maintains Chlorine Levels: Our unique blend works with your pool’s system to maintain optimal chlorine levels naturally, enhancing water quality and reducing the need for excess chemical additives.

Environmentally Friendly: Our commitment to sustainability means you’re making a positive impact on the environment. Reduce your chemical footprint while maintaining a beautiful pool.

Cost-Effective & Easy: Experience the convenience of simplified pool maintenance by using less chemicals. Save time and money with a product designed to last longer and work better.

Proven Results: Join countless satisfied customers who have transformed their pools with The Water Cleanser. Check out our testimonials and before-and-after photos to see the difference for yourself!

Ready to Dive In?

Make the switch to a cleaner, healthier, and more natural swimming pool today.


The Water Cleanser In Industry Cleaning Up The Oils And Odours By Enhancing Biological Breakdown

In the last 10 years oil recovery methods have advanced greatly with the development of many successful oil recovery technologies delivering a 99% removal rate. The true problem is the 1% of oil that can’t be recovered as it sits within the water column. These minute oil particles cause the longest term environmental damage.

The Water Cleanser is the final polishing treatment in all oil spill areas. The Water Cleanser technology provides the substrate to maintain hydrocarbon consuming bacteria (Bacillus Bacteria) that can deal with this one percent of toxic oil, removing it from the water column in a manner that is completely non toxic to the natural environment.

Case Studies

Aquariums & Ponds

Keeping Your Ponds & Aquariums Clean & Healthy

Naturally occurring aquatic bacterial groups, the Bacillus spp play a crucial role in nutrient recycling that results in provision of food source for other microorganisms.

Their presence results in eliminating ammonia and nitrite and lower nitrate and phosphate levels from aquatic ecosystems.

Aquariums & Ponds

Value & Benefits

  • Greatly reduced maintenance -more time between cleaning filters.
  • Enhance filter efficiency
  • Less frequent water changes
  • Healthier water with fewer fish infections
  • Completely natural and environmentally friendly
  • Inexpensive to buy
  • Saves you on costs and time
  • Very easy to use (we have a range of product to suit your aquarium or pond)
  • Completely safe


Where To Buy

Western Australia

Better Pets & Gardens
Sigma Chemicals, Balcatta
Sigma Chemicals, Willetton
Pool Builders Choice, Malaga

Dyson Pools, Perth
Pool Robotics Perth, Malaga
Express Pool, Madora Bay
PK Pools, Port Kennedy

Enhance Pool Service, Maddington
Shenton Pumps, Willetton
Bella Pool and Spa, Perth

Perth Pool Professionals, Perth
Direct Bargain Warehouse, Perth
Beyond Water Services, Perth
Passe Ponds, Cockburn


Aquatic Nature, Sydney
Premier House, Sydney


Robotec, Victoria

South Australia

PV Tech, South Australia


Aquatic Nature, Queensland